Pelvis Exercises
Seated pelvic tilts
Frequency: 1-3x a day
Volume: 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Technique guidance: Keep your upper body still whilst you tilt your pelvis forwards and backwards. To help you keep your upper body still it can be useful to place a hand on your chest and/or do the exercise in front of a mirror.
This exercise can be performed on a chair or an exercise ball
Seated pelvic tilts (using pointer)
Frequency: 1-3x a day
Volume: 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Technique guidance: hold a laser pointer or torch against your chest and position yourself so that you are facing a wall. Keep your upper body still by focusing the pointer on a spot on the wall whilst you tilt your pelvis forwards and backwards.
This exercise can be performed on a chair or an exercise ball
Seated pelvis rotations
Frequency: 1-3x a day
Volume: 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Technique guidance: Keep your upper body still whilst your lower torso left and right.
This exercise can be performed on a chair or an exercise ball
Seated hamstring lengthening
Frequency: 1-3x a day
Volume: Start with 5 repetitions, gradually build up to 10
Technique guidance: Sit tall. Only move the ball as far (in either direction) as you are able to without allowing your body to slump