Clinic Abbreviations
L (left)
R (right)
L+R (left and right)
L=R (left and right are equal)
L>R (left more than right)
R>L (right more than left)
EOR (end of range)
NAD (nothing abnormal detected)
ROM (range of motion)
Cxsp (cervical spine)
Txsp (thoracic spine)
Lxsp (lumbar spine)
// (led to/leads to)
Hx (history)
Sx (symptoms)
Ax (assess/assessment)
P (pain)
△ (diagnosis/diagnosed)
mvt (movement)
PA (posterior-anterior)
AP (anterior-posterior)
STM (soft tissue massage)
↑ (increase/increased/increasing)
↓ (decrease/decreased/decreasing)
pt (patient)
•• (new exercise)
CLA (central longitudinal axis)
DDx (differential diagnosis)
∴ (therefore)
≈ (approximately)
LL (lower limb)
UL (upper limb)
ULTT (upper limb tension test)
PRN (as needed)
TFL (tensor fasciae latae)
PIP (proximal interphalangeal)
MT (manual therapy)
STM (soft tissue massage)
DVT (deep being thrombosis)
Ca (cancer)
Hx (history)
# (fracture)
THREADS (thyroid, heart [including blood pressure], rheumatoid arthritis, epilepsy, asthma, diabetes, steroids)
CAD (cervical arterial dysfunction)
P+N (pins and needles)
CES (cauda equina syndrome)
DVT (deep being thrombosis)
RA (rheumatoid arthritis)
TB (tuberculosis)